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This is a quest given by a lord of a friendly faction that is not marshall. You must be level 6+, have 100+ renown and have enough space in your party.


(Lord) asked you to raise (amount) (unit) and bring them to him.


It consists of training five to eight tier 1 troops provided by the lord until they reach the target type he requests, then giving them back. The troops you give to the lord do not have to be the same men he gave to you, you can even finish the quest immediately if you already have the troops he needs in your party.

Target troops are of tier 1+(Player_Level+random(20 to 40))/10 or last tier. Note that if you are of a sufficiently high level, the quest given by Nord vassals is significantly more difficult to complete as they will always require Nord Huscarls who are one tier higher than any other factions' top tier.

On failure, you will incur a debt of 100 denars with the lord, as you had been paid in advance.

It has a time limit of 120 days and takes 15 days to become available again.


Quest Briefing[]

Lord: "No lord should have to admit this, (player), but I was inspecting my soldiers the other day and there are men here who don't know which end of a sword to hold. They're good enough lads, but I am afraid that they are not quite ready for a battle just yet. Your re a warrior of renown, (player). Will you train some troops for me? I would be grateful to you."

Player: "How many men do you need?"

Lord: "If you can (amount) (unit) and bring them to me, that will probably be enough.

Of course, sir. Give me (amount) fresh recruits and I'll train them to be (unit).
You've taken a weight off my shoulders, (player). I shall tell my sergeants to sent you the recruits and attach them to your command. Also, I'll advance you some money to help with expenses. Here, this purse should do it. Thank you for your help.
I am too busy these days to train anyone.
Oh, of course. I had expected as much. Well, good luck to you then.

Quest Complete[]

Player: "Indeed, I have raised (amount) (unit). You can take them."

Lord: "These men may well turn the tide in my plans, (player). I am confident you've trained them well. My thanks and my compliments to you."

Player: "Well, the lads are at your command now, sir. I am sure you will take good care of them."

Quest Failure[]

Very well. I am sure that you gave it your best effort.
