Mount & Blade Wiki

Lady Johana is a noblewoman initially of the Kingdom of Swadia. She is 21 years old.


Siblings: Count Plais

Note: Certain aspects of most NPCs are randomly generated at the beginning of every new game. These include all family lines other than the parents and siblings of young NPCs, or spouse and children of older NPCs; personalities; and initial fief ownership.

Kingdom of Swadia
Monarch: Claimant:
King Harlaus Lady Isolla of Suno

Count BeranzCount ClaisCount DeglanCount DelinardCount DevlianCount DespinCount Grainwad
Count HaringothCount KlargusCount MeltorCount MirchaudCount MontewarCount PlaisCount Rafarch
Count RafardCount RegasCount RochabarthCount RyisCount StamarCount Tredian


Lady AnnaLady AuberinaLady BelaLady BernatysLady BoadilaLady Constanis
Lady ElinaLady ElysLady EnricataLady GaetaLady IrenaLady JohanaLady Magar
Lady MelisarLady NeldaLady PhilennaLady SonadelLady ThedosaLady TibalLady Vera
