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Kill Local Merchant is a quest obtained from lords who are visiting a town. You can get the quest by talking to the lords, who will say "I owe a considerable amount of money to a merchant in this city" and you will have to take him out.


Accepting the quest will teleport you to the streets of the city and the merchant will soon charge at you. Killing the merchant will teleport you to the castle where you can end the quest. You will earn favor, experience, and denars for the quest.

If injure the merchant enough without killing him, he will beg for mercy, to which you can reply by either killing him anyway or sparing his life. If you choose to spare him, the lord will be upset, but the quest will still finish and you will get all the rewards.

The Local Merchant is a poorly equipped peasant which means even a beginning player can easily take him out.

Since the quest plays out automatically as soon as you accept it, you don't need to worry about a time to completion limit. The quest will become available again after 30 days.

Firentis, Marnid and Ymira get upset if you choose to kill the merchant instead of sparing him. Unknown what other companions get upset.

Killing the merchant results in -4 relation with the town.


Quest Briefing[]

The wretched truth is that I owe a considerable sum of money to one of the merchants here in (town). I've no intention of paying it back , of course, but that loud-mouthed fool is making a terrible fuss about it. He even had the audacity to come and threaten me -- me! -- with a letter of complaint to the trade guilds and bankers. Why, he'd ruin my good reputation! So I need a man I can trust, someone who will guarantee the man's silence. For good.

Worry not, he shan't breathe a word.
Very good. I trust in your skill and discretion, (player). Do not disappoint me. Go now and wait for my word, I'll send you a message telling when and where you can catch the merchant. Dispose of him for me and I shall reward you generously.
I'm no common murderer, sir. Find someone else for your dirty job.
Is that so? Well, I suppose you're just not up to the task. I shall have to look for somebody with more mettle.


You spot your victim and follow him, observing as he turns a corner into a dark alley. This will surely be your best opportunity to attack him.

Quest Complete (merchant killed)[]

I heard you got rid of that poxy merchant that was causing me so much grief. I can see you've not afraid to get your hands dirty, eh? I like that in a (man/woman). Here's your reward. Remember, (player), stick with me and we'll go a long, long way together.

Quest Complete (merchant spared)[]

You! Do you have sawdust between your ears? Did you think that when I said to kill the merchant, I meant you to have a nice chat with him and then let him go?! What possessed you?

Sir, I made sure he will not act against you.

Piffle. You were supposed to remove him, not give him a sermon and send him on his way. He had better do as you say, or you'll both regret it. Here, this is half the money I promised you. Don't say a word, {playername}, you're lucky to get even that. I have little use for {men/people} who cannot follow orders.

Quest Failed[]

Oh, it's you. Enlighten me, how exactly does one lose a simple fight to some poxy, lowborn merchant? Truly, if I ever need my guardsmen to take a lesson in how to lay down and die, I'll be sure to come to you. Just leave me be, {playername}, I have better things to do.

Merchant's dialogue[]

Mercy! Please don't kill me!

I have nothing against you man. But (lord) wants you dead. Sorry.

Damn you! May you burn in Hell!

I'll let you live, if you promise me...

Of course, I promise, I'll do anything. Just spare my life...

You are going to forget about (lord)'s debt to you. And you will sign a paper stating that he owes you nothing.

Yes, of course, I'll do as you say.

And if my lord hears so much of a hint of a complaint about this issue, then I'll come back for you, and it won't matter how much you scream for mercy then. Do you understand me?

Yes {sir/madam}. Don't worry. I won't make any complaint.

Good. Go now, before I change my mind.
